Stanko Ivanković “Sportski Direktor MNK Hercegovina”



U nastavku vam donosimo kratak osvrt našeg sportskog direktora, Stanka Ivankovića, na polusezonu iza nas kao i par riječi o planovima za budućnost.

🎤 : Hvala na izdvojenom vremenu možemo li za početak par riječi o polusezoni iza nas, treće mjesto u ligi i prolazak u Kupu BiH?

👔 S.I. : Osim prve utakmice gdje smo ušli “lako ćemo” i izgubili jer to se uvijek obije o glavu, oni su vrlo dobra ekipa što su dokazali pobjedom, ostalim dijelom sam zadovoljan iako je bio jos jedan poraz po rezultatu ali ne i po igri.

🎤 : Kako komentirate utakmice protiv prve i druge momčadi prvenstva, mislite li da se moglo napraviti nešto više?

👔 S.I. : Malo me utakmica sa drugoplasiranom ekipom razočarala zbog pristupa kako sam već rekao “lako ćemo” a toga ne smije biti nikad ni u čemu, a sa prvoplasiranom smo odigrali dosta dobro ali nismo iskoristili šanse koje smo imali i onda smo se raspali pred kraj, malo zbog dugog puta a malo zbog promašenog mnoštva prilika a to se u sportu i inače u bilo kojem poslu osveti, moram napomenuti da smo obje te utakmice igrali u gostima.

🎤 : Ciljevi MNK Hercegovina u nastavku sezone?

👔 S.I. : Ciljeve smo postavili kad smo osnovali klub a to je stvaranje ekipe u svakom smislu i borba za doigravanje i ulazak u Premijer ligu, stvaranje akademije futsala i školovanje trenerskog kadra tako da u budućnosti imamo svoje igrače po cijeloj regiji kao i svoje trenere.

🎤 : Što možemo očekivati od zimskog prijelaznog roka, hoće li biti nekih odlazaka ili pojačanja?

👔 S.I. : Što se pojačanja tiče nemamo baš puno izbora da se možemo pojačati jer imamo dosta dobru ekipu i tko god dođe mora biti baš pojačanje i sa par takvih smo u pregovorima i ako ih uspijemo dovesti oni će biti istinska pojačanja i ne smijemo zaboraviti ipak smo mi druga liga tako da je teško dovesti pojačanja ali smo ipak na dobrom putu.

🎤 : Koliko pratite Premijeru ligu BIH, po vama tko su najveći favoriti za osvajanje titule i priželjkujete li nekog od ekipa iz vrha u Kupu?

👔 S.I. : Naravno da pratim Premijer ligu i jedini klub po meni je Staklorad Stari grad Mostar i sve drugo bi bilo veliko iznenađenje, u kupu bih stvarno volio dobiti ekipu iz vrha da odmjerimo snage i da vidimo gdje smo naročito da to bude kod nas na Pecari jer se kup igra radnim danom pa da možemo biti kompletni.

🎤 : I za kraj kako komentirate popularizaciju futsala u BiH kao i u regiji, može li se tu napraviti još jedan korak više, može li se futsal ubrzo naći rame uz rame s našim najpopularnim sportovima poput nogometa, košarke…

👔 S.I. : Kod nas je futsal izrazito popularan ljeti, kada se igraju turniri i lige mjesnih zajednica a kad se približi zima i uđe u dvorane toga nestaje, gledajući na našu regiju najveći problem je taj što nemamo uvjete tj. dvorane za treninge gdje bi mogli okupiti djecu da treniraju i da se stvara kult futsala i prave igrači i treneri kako sam već naveo i to mi želimo, možemo i hoćemo mijenjati naravno uz Božju pomoć bez koje se ne može.

⚫🔵 STANKOVI Ć 🔵⚫ We bring you a short review of our sports director, Stanko Ivankovic, on the half-season behind us as well as a few words about plans for the future. 🎤: Thank you for your time, can we start a few words about the half-season behind us, third place in the league and pass in the BiH Cup? 👔 S.I.: Besides the first game where we entered ′′ we’ll lose ′′ because it’s always both heads, they’re a very good team to prove with victory, I’m happy with the rest part even though it was another defeat by the result but not after the game. 🎤: How do you comment on the matches against the first and second team of the championship, do you think something more could be done? 👔 S.I.: I was a little disappointed in the second-team game because of the approach I already said ′′ we will ′′ and it should never be in anything, and we played quite well with the first-rate but we didn’t take the chances we had and then we had fell apart before the end, a little because of the long journey and a little because of the missed many opportunities and that in sports and otherwise in any business revenge, I have to note that we both played away those games. 🎤: MNK Herzegovina goals in the continuation of the season? 👔 S.I.: We set goals when we founded a club, which is creating a team in every sense and fighting for playoffs and entering the Premier League, creating a futsal academy and training a coaching staff so that in the future we have our players across the region as well as our own the coaches. 🎤: What can we expect from the winter transition period, will there be any departures or reinforcements? 👔 S.I.: As far as reinforcements, we don’t have much choice to step up because we have a lot of good team and whoever comes has to be really reinforcement and with a few of them we are in negotiations and if we manage to bring them, they will be true reinforcements and cannot be forget we are the second league after all so it’s hard to bring reinforcements but we’re still on the right track. 🎤: How much do you follow the Premier League of Bosnia and Herzegovina, according to you who are the biggest favorites to win the title and wish one of the teams from the top in the Cup? 👔 S.I.: Of course, I follow the Premier League and the only club in my opinion is Staklorad Old Town Mostar and everything else would be a big surprise, in the cup I would really like to get a team from the top to measure strength and see where we are especially to have it at us at Pecara because the cup is played on a working day so that we can be complete. 🎤: And for the end, how do you comment on popularization of futsal in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as in the region, can futsal soon be found side by side with our most popular sports like football, basketball… 👔 S.I.: Futsal is extremely popular in the summer, when tournaments and leagues of local communities are played and when winter approaches and enters the halls of it disappears, looking at our region, the biggest problem is that we do not have conditions. training halls where we could get kids together to train and create cult futsal and real players and coaches as I have already stated and that’s what we want, we can and will of course change with God’s help without which we can’t.
